Legal Question in Criminal Law in Colorado

How should I plead?

I was arrested today for assault/battery and damaging property after fighting with my boyfriend. I broke a couple of small items and a necklace. I go before a judge tomorrow. Should I plead guilty? Do I need a lawyer? thank you

Asked on 5/13/07, 8:45 pm

3 Answers from Attorneys

Philip Rosmarin Rosmarin Law Firm

Re: How should I plead?

You should plead not guilty, and give yourself a chance to figure out what you want to do. The court will set a pre-trial conference, usually four to six weeks from your arraignment.

Whether you need a lawyer depends on the severity of the charge, whether it's being saddled with a domestic violence tag, how cooperative your boyfriend is likely to be with a prosecution, what kind of plea bargain the DA will offer, and other things. If you are indigent, you can ask for a public defender.

You lose nothing by pleading not guilty tomorrow; you will not be punished by giving yourself some time. The DA is likely to tender at least the same offer at the pre-trial conference.

Good luck.

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Answered on 5/14/07, 1:19 am

Re: How should I plead?

Do NOT plead guilty. A countless number of defendants who pleaded guilty come to me to say "if only I knew I'd lose my job, I wouldn't have pleaded guilty." Whether you get a lawyer, whether you eventually plead guilty, NONE of it is hampered by a plea of "not guilty." The same offer, or a better one, will be offered later, so plead NG and give yourself more time.

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Answered on 5/14/07, 12:26 pm
Marc Milavitz The Alternative Law Office of Marc Milavitz

Re: How should I plead?

Plead not guilty and hire an attorney. Good luck.

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Answered on 5/14/07, 12:33 pm

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