Legal Question in Criminal Law in Colorado


a while back i was charged with misdemeanor check fraud and got 75 hrs comm service, 1 yr unsup probation and some fines. I live in Colorado. I didnt complete comm service and now i have a revocation hearing.... How much jail time am i looking at? Thank you.

Asked on 8/22/07, 10:20 pm

2 Answers from Attorneys

Philip Rosmarin Rosmarin Law Firm

Re: Revocation

You're looking at the same jail time to which you might have been sentenced had you not been given probation.

If the fraudulent check was for less than $100, the maximum jail time is six months.

If the check was for at least $100, but less than $500, max time is a year.

Good luck.

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Answered on 8/23/07, 1:49 am

Re: Revocation

The jail time you could get and the jail time you will get depend on what you do. Between now and the revocation hearing, do alot of community service. I have hlped defendants get through these proceedings with a modification or reinstatement of probation and no jail.

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Answered on 8/23/07, 2:45 pm

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