Legal Question in Criminal Law in Colorado

Trespassing Summons

I was given a summons for trespassing on private property marked with signs in the Colorado Springs area. This is my first offence. Would I be better served pleading guilty or no contest and what is the likely penalty for this?

Asked on 9/03/07, 5:23 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Philip Rosmarin Rosmarin Law Firm

Re: Trespassing Summons

Trespassing generally is a class 1 petty offense, which can carry a $500 fine and six months in jail. If you trespassed on agricultural land it may be a class 3 misdemeanor, which boosts the possible fine to $750, with the same jail potential.

But almost nobody gets the book thrown at them, particularly on a first offense. At your arraignment you will talk with a DA, who is likely to offer a deferred sentence, which means if you meet certain conditions, at the end of six or nine months (usually), your case will be entered as a dismissal.

You are almost never better served by just pleading guilty or no contest to the crime charged, even when you think you are guilty. For one thing, you may be mistaken in your belief that you are guilty, or that it can be proved that you are guilty. That's what attorneys are for.

Good luck.

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Answered on 9/04/07, 1:16 am

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