Legal Question in Criminal Law in Colorado

A woman I was dating gave me a pair of expensive earrings last weekend as a gift. We had an argument during the week and she asked for them back. Initially, I did not return them because they were a gift. The police called me yesterday and are accusing me of theft. I sent her a text and told her I will return your earrings. I met up with her yesterday and returned them. The officer said he would sent to investigators because I admitted to having them but I had them because they were a gift and she gave them to me. Can I still be prosecuted for her lies? What do police do in situations where it's her word against mine?

Asked on 10/31/09, 12:56 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Marc Milavitz The Alternative Law Office of Marc Milavitz

Yes, you can be prosecuted. My advice to you is not say anything to anyone and hire a good attorney. From your posting, the police believe the woman's story and will not believe you no matter what you tell them. If you choose to speak to the police (which is not what I advise), the police will want you to confess to theft and may twist your statement in their report to say that you did confess. The best advice I can give you is get an attorney so they can communicate with the police and the woman. Let me know if I can help. Good luck.

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Answered on 11/05/09, 1:24 pm

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