Legal Question in Criminal Law in Colorado

writing an inmate

Is it a law or just a policy of each individule prison that you can not write an inmate while you work in the same prison or after you are fired from you job

Asked on 3/10/07, 12:23 pm

2 Answers from Attorneys

Philip Rosmarin Rosmarin Law Firm

Re: writing an inmate

It certainly isn't law, and it probably isn't prison policy. For whatever reason, officials at the prison where your penpal is held apparently have decided you personally are not a good influence.

But if challenged by lawsuit, those officials would have to show that withholding your particular letters is reasonably related to legitimate penological objectives. That may not be tough for them to do, depending upon what your relationship was with the prisoner, what you've been writing, and why you were fired, among other things.

Good luck.

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Answered on 3/11/07, 1:56 pm

Re: writing an inmate

I am not aware of an applicable statute in Colorado. The administration in any correctional facility may "block" some people from corresponding. You and the inmate have a limited right to communicate, which can be subjugated if the admistration can show good cause.

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Answered on 3/11/07, 7:18 pm

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