Legal Question in Family Law in Colorado
Child custody
What rights does my sons father have of him? He does not attempt to contact my son nor has he ever paid for anything for my son. No child support in order. Only thing he has done was sign the birth certificate.
1 Answer from Attorneys
Re: Child custody
It is impossible to fully answer this question without a great deal more information. Technically, as long as his parental rights have not been terminated, he has the right to seek parenting time and ask to be involved in decision making. The court may enter orders restricting his contact or his involvement in making decisions for the child. If there is no child support ordered, that will be little help. If he's not contacting the child, after two years, you might have a claim to terminate his rights. However, it is not absolute and will depend on may other factors. You really should consult with an attorney. The attorney can get the details from you to tell you who has what rights and what options you might have to change that situation.