Legal Question in Personal Injury in Colorado

I had a minor car collision in a shopping center.

A ticket was issued for careless driving.

Will it be enforced by the courts if I choose to fight it?


Asked on 9/25/10, 2:47 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Ross Koplin Ross Koplin, Attorney at Law

Thank you for your inquiry. At this stage you have only been charged with criminal conduct and, as a consequence, you are presumed innocent until actually determined to be guilty. You have the right to defend yourself in the Colorado Court. The prosecution has the obligation of proving you guilty beyond a reasonable doubt, of at least one specific criminal offense, in order to obtain a conviction against you at any trial.

There is not much more specific advice I can provide given the general nature of your question, but with the circumstances that you describe, I would suggest that you want to prepare to defend yourself in the legal system. You are entitled to have an attorney represent you and I would recommend that you consider that option of retaining defense counsel. Very best regards, Ross Koplin, Attorney at Law, Law Office of Ross Koplin, 600 17th Street, Suite 2800 South, Denver, Colorado 80202, (303) 831-8924,

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Answered on 9/30/10, 2:54 pm

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