Legal Question in Real Estate Law in Colorado

Is this an actionable case?

I would like an opinion as to whether or not we have an actionable case on the following:

We had a buyer for our house. They buyer hired an independent inspector to check our sewer line, and the 'independent' inspector claimed to have found two major breaks in the line.The buyer demanded $16,000 'to repair it'

As it happens, we had had the line professionally inspected two years ago. So we did not believe it. To be sure, we had the it reinspected. Both times there was a video made of every inch, with the inspector's commentary.

I watched the second one, and asked him about anything that looked different or might have been a problem. He stated that there was no serious problem anywhere in the line, no breaks, no leaks.

However, when we refused to pay the $16,000, the buyer dropped out, refusing to even look at our video or talk with our inspector.

Do we have reasonable lawsuit against their inspector? Against them?

We have lost a substantial sale.

Any ideas appreciated.

Asked on 1/01/09, 4:04 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Robert Murillo Pivotal Legal Ltd.

Re: Is this an actionable case?

Without reviewing the contract it is impossible to say. If this was a Colorado standard form contract, the buyer has loads of opportunities to terminate the contract.

Have an attorney review the contract and provide an opinion. It is impossible to say anything of accuracy otherwise.

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Answered on 1/01/09, 6:05 pm

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