Legal Question in Credit and Debt Law in Connecticut
A friend owes me money
Six years ago I lent a friend $3.500.00. I have a copy of the money order and an eye witness to this transaction.
I have tried everything I know to get him to pay me back but he won't.
This occurred while I lived in CT and I am now in NY so I never filed for small claims (I also never had the money to do so until now).
Anyway, what do you suggest I do?
2 Answers from Attorneys
Re: A friend owes me money
How much time has passed since he borrowed the money? When did you request payment? Small claims court allows you to sue for up to 5,000.00. Give me a call if I can offer any further advice or service 203.540.5228.
Re: A friend owes me money
I would file a claim in small claims court. If you need help, you can email me at