Legal Question in Criminal Law in Connecticut

possesion, larceny 4th degree and possesion of a pellet gun in a motor vehical

My son(22yrs) who was recently arrested for shoplifing(4th degree larceny), possion of 5 vials of heroin and a pellet gun in a motor vehical. Over the last month he has also been stopped in his car for suspicious activity w/ no arrests or tickets. he was arrested one other time(3 yrs ago) for having fireworks and beer by a minor and received accelerated rehab/community service. He is a good kid ,has a great job and since his arrest has gone into a out patient drug program. What can we expect in court and should we get a laywer? I would hate to see the good things he has going for him destroyed. Thank you.

Asked on 5/12/07, 9:16 am

2 Answers from Attorneys

Dennis McDonough Dennis P. McDonough,L.L.C.

Re: possesion, larceny 4th degree and possesion of a pellet gun in a motor vehical

These charges are very serious;but thet are manageable.One charge may carry a mandatory jail sentence depending on the ultimate charge agreed upon.You definitely should retain an attorney. Dennis P. McDonough

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Answered on 5/14/07, 7:02 am
Nicholas Adamucci ADAMUCCI, LLC

Re: possesion, larceny 4th degree and possesion of a pellet gun in a motor vehical

The charges you have mentioned are serious and carry jail time if convicted. Based on this, I would recommed hiring someone to help your son obtain the best result. I certainly would not recommend he represent himself. If you need further help, you can email me at

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Answered on 5/12/07, 11:48 am

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