Legal Question in Family Law in Connecticut

Alternatives To Court?

I am a divorced mother of two (6 and 3) my ex husband has a history of substance abuse and gambling which was one of the reasons for the divorce 2 years ago. It was an amicable divorce with joint custody and child support agreements. Since then he has become homeless, jobless, and doesnt pay child support. He has also started drinking again - just recently at his mothers birthday where he had taken the kids. My mother in law now forbids him to come over which means he has nowhere to go during his visitation time (he lives in his car). I cannot deny visitation my lawyer says and to file for sole custody he my lawyer is asking for a 5k retainer and there is no way I have that kind of money. Without child support for the past 5 months I am barely putting food in my childrens mouth even with my job. I am borrowing from friends but they have their own families to take care of. What can I do? Can I turn him away? What if he becomes violent? Can the police help me? Can I file for sole custody without a lawyer? With the information I have about why I feel my children are in danger can I get some kind of temporary court order? Very concerned mother.

Asked on 9/10/07, 12:46 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Nicholas Adamucci ADAMUCCI, LLC

Re: Alternatives To Court?

You have the right to file your own motions with the court. Family services may provide some guidance in this respect. Email me at [email protected] and I will see what I can do for you.

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Answered on 9/11/07, 8:11 pm

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