Legal Question in Family Law in Connecticut

child support

My ex-wife has hired an attorney to attempt to collect child support arrearage which she claims I owe. Per our Separation Agreement dated Sept 1998 it states: ''The husband shall pay the wife child support of $ per week until both children reach the age of nineteen (19) OR FINISHES HIGH SCHOOL WHICH EVER COMES FIRST''. My first child is 21, my second is 18 and will turn 19 May 2008. The issue is that my second child (quit) finished High School May of 2006. I continued to pay child support from May 2006 to May 2007. She is claiming I owe her from June 2007 to present and expects payments until my second child reaches the age of 19. The way I interpret the legal Separation Agreement is that my child FINISHED high school when he quit in 2006 and I fulfilled my obligation. (It was my choice to continue for another year) How will the court system view this? What do you believe will be the outcome? I thank you in advance for any advice you render. Respectfully, A devastated Dad.

Asked on 10/31/07, 8:00 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

John Heffernan Heffernan Legal Group, LLP

Re: child support

It's impossible to say for sure, but I believe a judge would say that if the child dropped out of school, he is "finished" for child support purposes. If he goes back to school before 19, you might have to start paying again until 19, but so long as he's not in school, I don't think you owe the money. (Bring a lawyer with you to court, though).

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Answered on 11/01/07, 11:13 am

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