Legal Question in Family Law in Connecticut
child support
my son pays child support to his former girlfriend and he is the one who has the child. he recently was called to court to increase the amount deducted from his pay. he advised the court that he has his son living with him and the response was ''we don't care''. how is this legal?
1 Answer from Attorneys
Re: child support
Well first of all, I must ask, was the mother ever primary custodian and if so, does he owe her an arrearage on child support when the child was with her. If so, he would have to continue paying her. If her financial circumstance changed for the worse with no fault of hers, then the payment on the arrearage could be increased. Of course, from your question I can't tell if that is the case. I am guessing.
Was there ever an order of custody entered by the court and if so, who is primary custodian ? If she was made primary custodian and he never modified it despite the fact he has the child, then he will keep paying.
My response is ...YOU CARE. You should see a lawyer.