Legal Question in Family Law in Connecticut

My daughter needs help

She married her boyfriend of more than 2 yrs. this past May. They have a 16 mos. old child. They purchased a condo in Jan. 06 and can't refinance till Feb. 08 w/o extreme penalty. They have been having problems and she found out tonight he is cheating on her. She doesn't work in order to finish school and watch their baby. He withholds the household money, and fights w/her, even waking her and the baby to fight, and have sex. He used an attny. friend for the closing on the condo. In perusing the documents in preparation for the refinance, she realized above his signature it reads, ''Non-responsible signer''. She wasn't working at that time either, and the broker used his income as the sole provider. She had to take the mortgages out in her name due to her having good credit and he w/none. He has a Federal conviction that he is still on probation for. She wants out, but is in over 16K in debt with him. (only in her name) Without any income of her own, and the mental and verbal abuse he gives her, it is starting to affect the baby. She has tried every avenue to get some help from the state or even to work with the credit companies, but they say their income is too high. She is at her wits end... Please help

Asked on 10/16/07, 11:04 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Nicholas Adamucci ADAMUCCI, LLC

Re: My daughter needs help

You need to clarify the question. The question is labeled as relating to family law. Is the question related to either family law or to her ability to settle with the credit companies.

You can email me at [email protected].

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Answered on 10/17/07, 8:07 am

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