Legal Question in Family Law in Connecticut

I have two kids by the same father, but one lives with me and the other with him in a different state. I want to file for full custody and I wanted to know if I have to file for each kid in the respective states? I also want to know what is the general time frame for a case like this? Due to the nature of the split(abusive background), I am afraid to return to the same state my ex resides in. I'm afraid of being in the same room as him. I want to know if there is a way to get representation to fill in for me without it hurting my chances to gain custody.

I tried contacting lawyers here but I can't afford one and they say due to the fact there are lots of people in my home making money I make too much for a pro bono lawyer. Those same people that are making the money have nothing to do with me at all so I don't understand why I can't get any help.

Asked on 10/26/12, 3:30 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Linda Subbloie Linda A. Subbloie, Esq.

You would have to file in the respective states where each child lives. You also would have to go to that state in person to pursue the motion.

Go to legal aid in Connecticut and speak to them directly rather than taking the word of other lawyers.

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Answered on 10/31/12, 9:07 am

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