Legal Question in Family Law in Connecticut
Will mother's bad photos effect?
I found out that my wife cheated on me online ( still have the logs) and found some almost-naked pictures for her at home.. I was wondering if i could use those pictures infront of the judge to show that she is bad and i win full custody of our newborn baby?
soon im filling for divorce anyways. thank you
2 Answers from Attorneys
Re: Will mother's bad photos effect?
While such evidence may be relevant and admissible in your divorce, you should be aware that the issue in any custody dispute is what is in the best interest of your child--not which parent is "bad." The best interests test involves several factors relating to both parents, and certainly any inappropriate behavior or adultery would be relevant though not conclusive. For further guidance through your divorce/custody claim I would advise contacting an attorney.
Re: Will mother's bad photos effect?
In determining custody, the judge's main goal is to provide for the best intersts of the child. In this determination, he considers many different factors. One of which may be the capability of a parent to care for the child.
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