Legal Question in Wills and Trusts in Connecticut

credit card

My Mother has outstqanding credit card debt. She is very ill right now. What happens when she passes away? My father is still alive but the account is in her name only. Thanks so much for your help!!!

Asked on 5/03/04, 8:55 am

1 Answer from Attorneys

John Heffernan Heffernan Legal Group, LLP

Re: credit card

If the account is in her name alone, the card company can chase your father only for items charged by her which were "necessaries" (necessary clothing [not mink coats], food, shelter & medical care) and as a practical matter, they usually don't even do that. However, they probably will go after her property, if there is any, and could even go after property she owned jointly with your father (like the house). If it's a small amount, they may not, but if it's many thousands, they can and will.

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Answered on 5/03/04, 4:07 pm

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