Legal Question in Business Law in Delaware

Looking to start a breach of contract lawsuit with an investor. My business is registered in Delaware and my is in a foreign trust. They have completed no other obligations as stated in the contract. My obligations were completed. Obtaining a ILI Certificate and providing all required docs. what should i do.

Asked on 8/31/23, 9:23 am

2 Answers from Attorneys

Richard Bryan Richard Bryan Attorney PC

That's very unfortunate. You're going to have to find a business lawyer in Delaware to handle this matter. It's not something you can do yourself.

Good luck.

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Answered on 8/31/23, 10:34 am

Not all breaches of contract lead directly to a lawsuit. There are many factors to consider such as the nature of the breach, was there partial performance, did you breach the contract (even though you may not think so), what are the damages in question, what is the economic viability of a lawsuit, alternatives to a lawsuit, as well as other considerations.

The first step would be to review the investment documents, discuss what happened, your goals and possible course of action. These types of preliminary reviews are generally no expensive and will provide you with clarity on the options you on how to proceed.

Please contact me directly

Roman R. Fichman, Esq. │ @TheLegalist

email: Info (@) TheLegalists (dot) com

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Answered on 8/31/23, 10:45 am

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