Legal Question in Business Law in Delaware

Hello! I am going to start an LLC in the US but I don't live in this country, how can I possibly open a bank account without coming to the US through a friend living there? I mean, should we sign up an agreement or how can it work if this friend is not a member of my LLC?

Asked on 10/23/16, 3:41 am

1 Answer from Attorneys

It is not easy for someone not in the U.S. to open a U.S bank account, particularly if you do not have a Social Security Number, without being present in person. For a business account, one way is to open an account with an international bank, e.g., Citibank, if you can go to a branch where you are to document your identity, then seek to establish a U.S.-based account.

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Answered on 10/24/16, 6:55 am

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