Legal Question in Disability Law in District of Columbia


if a person was diagnosed with bi polar disorder with no proof as such , and a parent applied for diability benefits and was denied , thus was medicated for 25 years or more ... and then approved in 2004 with the same diagnoses and the parent may have appealed the decision 25 years ago , and applying for certain employment thus can not because of the back ground of the slander / label can there be a legal claim for discrimiantion or misdiagnoses , because for 25 years being medicated and could not recieve benefits of the proposed diagnoses until 2004 . what legal facts can be proposed for any legal law suit expeditously.

Asked on 3/17/08, 11:09 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Michael Hendrickson Law Office Michael E. Hendrickson

Re: misdiagnoses?

No, I see no legal basis for such claims on the facts propounded as there could be any number of reasons as to why the first claim was denied and the second one approved 25 years later, including the possibilty that the criteria for eligibility were relaxed or modified in a way that allowed the person to subsequently qualify for benefits.

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Answered on 3/19/08, 10:22 am

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