Legal Question in Disability Law in Florida

A clear case of disability discrimination?

I have been employed six years with my current employer. I had a second heart episode which causede me to miss two weeks of work and I used my vacation pay. I was given a note by my Dr. saying I should not over exert myself but that I could return to my job. My job was supervosor and when I came back my boss told me i was stepping down due to my illness and longoing condition and he had a less stressful lateral position for me.

Three months later HR is ordering me to go to my cardiologist and have him fill out a fitness for duty certification and basically they want me to return to the field full time as a technician. They are telling me three months after the fact I must write a job description for myself. I am quite sure I sam being railroaded here. I called EEOC today to make a charge and all I got was voicemail.

Thank you,


Asked on 10/07/05, 6:12 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Scott Behren Behren Law Firm

Re: A clear case of disability discrimination?

I would need to know a little more information, about the merits of your case, but I can certainly help with the EEOC documents. Give me a call (954) 385-5433.

Scott Behren

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Answered on 10/07/05, 11:17 pm

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