Legal Question in Bankruptcy in Florida

I gave up the home in Bankruptcy in March of 2010...the bankruptcy was discharged in June of 2010. My mortgage company (BOA) still has me listed as the owner of the home. They still send me documents trying to modify my loan. I know there is some sort of forclosure process that they may be trying to go through too. They have hired other companies to try to get me to short sale the house and also individuals have contacted me to purchase the home from me. What are my legal rights?

Asked on 3/01/12, 1:00 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Stephen Orchard Law Offices of Stephen Orchard

It's likely that the foreclosure process is moving slowly. Assuming that everything was proper in your bankruptcy case, then you should have no individual liability for the debt and I wouldn't be too concerned. Of course, you should consult with the attorney who handled your bankruptcy with any questions about what happened. But it is becoming more common for people to short sell their properties even after bankruptcy, so that is a decision that's up to you once you consult with a professional about this matter.

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Answered on 3/01/12, 1:13 pm

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