Legal Question in Business Law in Florida

School loan

Hello, I am a single mother with two children. I have decided to go back to school for nursing, but it is impossible to do so and have or get a job willing to work with the hours that the school requires. I am thinking of getting a loan that would cover my children and myself living expenses for two years. Unfortunately, that is about $45000-$50000. That will cover my bills which is about $39000 and cover school monthly expenses. And still that is cutting it close. I do not know the best way to get a loan and I am also wondering, when my car lease is up in September, will I be able to get a loan to get another car as I will have such an outstanding amount pending, granted I do get the loan?

Asked on 3/07/09, 2:58 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Alan Wagner Wagner, McLaughlin & Whittemore P.A.

Re: School loan

This is not really a legal question. With your debt, it may not be wise to take on still more debt without reducing expenses. You might see about moving back home to try to reduce your debt. With two kids, debt and your living expenses school that will take you out of the work force doesn't sound like a good idea. Whether you can get a new loan and whether you should are two different questions.

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Answered on 3/08/09, 5:25 pm

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