Legal Question in Business Law in Florida

I have a small claims case I filed in hillsborough county. The individual the case is against is a local handyman. However; he was recently evicted from his place and is living in his car somewhere in the area.

If I can't serve him for a process server. Is there any type of publication etc I can use as a form of notification etc?

Asked on 2/28/25, 8:56 am

1 Answer from Attorneys

Alan Wagner Wagner, McLaughlin & Whittemore P.A.

If the guy is living in hos car, the chances of him being able to pay any judgment against you are pretty close to zero. The chances of him having assets to force a payment are even less likely. You are probably wasting your time spending more money and time on this case.

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Answered on 2/28/25, 9:01 am

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