Legal Question in Civil Rights Law in Florida
I live in FL and my daughter and I went store to shop for supplies. I looked around and found a couple of items and I realized that I did not have my wallet. I went to the clerk and told her to hold my items, I would be back. I went to my car and realized that my check card was at home. No worries, I thought to myself, I'll just go home and get it. I put my daughter in her car seat and here comes the store clerk. She asked me if I had found my wallet, I told her it was at home then she proceeded to ask what I had in my baby bag. I then asked her if she was accusing me of stealing then she stated that I looked suspicious. I felt that I was falsely accused and racially discriminated against. I went into the store to get her name and the store number and she would not come out they sent up another manager to speak with me because she was on the phone. Were my rights violated?
1 Answer from Attorneys
No, I do not believe so. It sounds like a simple misunderstanding.
If that happened to me, and I was not stealing, I would just show them my bag and be done with it. But, I can understand that you may have felt it was not necessary for them to have sort-of accused you. Again, it sounds like a simple misunderstanding. It's done.... no harm done, I hope.
Kind regards.
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