Legal Question in Civil Rights Law in Florida
I recently got a credit card with a boyfriend. Since then we have broke up. His mom found out about the card and took it over. I agreed to pay 160 which was half of the bill. Since then i have paid 110 of the 160 owed. I said i would pay this amount when i got my apartment deposit back in 30 day. His mother knew i would not be able to pay for 45 days. Now a new bill has come in and my money was not put toward the card and his mother is saying i owe late fees, service fees and overdraft fees. Am I responsible for these fees since the agreed amount was 160? it has been less than 45 days as well.
2 Answers from Attorneys
You are both responsible for fees under the card. You should have never given the mother money for the card. You should have paid the credit card directly. Live and learn.
You are both responsible for the balance and fees. If you have an agreement with someone else who is not responsible for the debt, then you should put it in writing.
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