Legal Question in Civil Rights Law in Florida
My younger brother (16) has been threatened to be beat up by a 17 year old. Normally, I would tell him to defend himself, but he recently underwent major dental surgery from a freak accident. Permanent damage and excruciating pain could be caused by another hit to the mouth, and as a 21 year old, I would like to know my limitations as far as physically preventing a fight from happening. I have had a hard time finding any information about third person defense against a minor. Any information you have would be extremely helpful. Thank you.
1 Answer from Attorneys
Straight up front, I will tell you that other lawyers have more experience than I in this matter, and you should be asking a criminal law attorney. But, I will also tell you what I know. You may use reasonable force to defend the danger against you or your brother if the danger is imminent (right now). You may use additional force to defend your home. If you plan to use any force which may not be 'okay' from law enforcement, you should call the police now and tell them about an impending danger. File for a restraining order. I don't know your situation, and that's about all I know.
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