Legal Question in Constitutional Law in Florida
A friend in Florida has been told that her bumper stickers have offended customers and she has to back her truck into a parking spot so the stickers are hidden from view. The stickers are on Paganism. Not violent at all. She volunteers at this place which is non-profit and privately owned. Does the constitutional right of freedom of religion apply here?
Asked on 10/08/11, 7:07 pm
1 Answer from Attorneys
Edward Hoffman
Law Offices of Edward A. Hoffman
No. The government can't interfere with free speech or the free exercise of religion, but private entities don't face the same restriction. A private organization can forbid your friend to display her bumper sticker on its property. It could forbid her to bring the car altogether, so making her back into a parking space instead is also legal.
Answered on 10/08/11, 9:28 pm