Legal Question in Credit and Debt Law in Florida
Credit Card debt
My mother is 83 years old - she has credit card debt of about 5,000 dollars. She also has a car payment of $324.00. She can no longer afford to pay any credit card debt due to the high price of her prescriptions. She will however continue to pay her car payment. she lives with her daughter and has no assets other than her car. She knows if she no longer pays on her credit cards she will get bad credit - Other than that is there anything else they can do to her?Remember she will continue to make the car payment on time. She has always had excellent credit but can no longer afford to pay with her high health cost needs.
1 Answer from Attorneys
Re: Credit Card debt
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There is probably not much she can do. If she has assets, they can try to garnish a bank account or securities. If she has no assets or income, then she is probably safe. Social security payments cannot be garnished.
Scott R. Jay, Esq.