Legal Question in Credit and Debt Law in Florida

I have been divorced a year, my exhusband has not meet obligations about refinancing a vehicle that we had together. I filed contempt of court on this because the divorce agreement says for him to do this immediately. We went before the judge and he said this is not contempt because it has not affected me at this time. I had proof that this payment has been late numerous time and my ex only had a credit report that says it was only late once. I had my paperwork from Ally formly GMAC but the judge did not seem to be to interested in this. He did tell my ex that he needs to report to me every 3 months about the loan and that he did need to continue to make an attempt to refinance. I know that my ex has messed his credit up bad and that is the problem. Please tell me is there anything else I can do?? This is a problem for me it is messing my credit up!!

Asked on 10/19/10, 11:31 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

David Slater David P. Slater, Esq.

If he is making good faith attempts to refinance I see nothing more you can do. Will the credit agency accept a copy of the divorce decree?

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Answered on 10/25/10, 2:25 pm

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