Legal Question in Credit and Debt Law in Florida

My fiance, insisted that I quit my career job, and suggested that I let him take care of me. He had given me several credit cards to use with no idea of any limits. It has been a on an off wierd realitionship for 5 yrs. I just moved in with him for the 2nd time. He insisted again (3rd time) that I quit my job. That he would pay my bills. He has not. He gave me $32 to use for food and tolls for the past 10 days. My bank account is overdrawn. He put his the credit card debt in MY NAME. I never applied for the cards. HE put me on his account. It says on the credit report that the over $6000 revolving charge acct was started in 1999. I did not even know him then. Isn't that illegal?

Asked on 7/25/09, 11:13 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Sarah Grosse Sarah Grosse, Esquire

Your fiance? Still planning on getting married? How could he put bills in your name in 1999 if you did not know him then? He must have added you as an account holder at some point. Because you are not married, your only recourse would be to claim that all the money you already spent was a gift and therefore do not owe it to him to repay. If he is not paying your bills as promised, you do not have any ability to make him pay because you are not married.

I'm not sure if I answered your question. You can send a follow-up question if you want.

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Answered on 7/26/09, 9:19 am

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