Legal Question in Credit and Debt Law in Florida

Loaned 30,000USD money to a friend


I(living in Connecticut) loaned 30,000USD to a friend(who is living in Ft.Lauderdale,Florida) in one and half year span of time i.e.November 2007 to March 2009. But no legal agreement made between us at the time of giving loan.

But i have proofs of following.

1. bank checks which i issued to him

2. Bank online transfers made to his family members

3. email Proofs from him saying he owed money to me

4. One person witness who is his cousin

Now he is not willing to repay the money though he is in good position and working.

If i legally proceed, by showing the above proofs what are the chances of getting back my money what my friend owed to me?

Can you please help me in this regard? which practice area best suits to my case?



Asked on 7/16/09, 3:13 pm

4 Answers from Attorneys

Scott Behren Behren Law Firm

Re: Loaned 30,000USD money to a friend

Cancelled checks should be enought to proceed with a claim against him here in Ft. Lauderdale. The question is whether your friend has assets that you could collect from if you got a judgment. Feel free to call my office if you wish to discuss further.

Scott Behren

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Answered on 7/19/09, 1:57 pm
Angelo Marino Angelo Marino Jr. PA

Re: Loaned 30,000USD money to a friend

Sounds like you have a good case. Issue is whether the money is collectable. see

I practice in Ft Lauderdale

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Answered on 7/17/09, 12:18 pm
David Slater David P. Slater, Esq.

Re: Loaned 30,000USD money to a friend

If you have the e mails indicating a loan you have a good chance. If your wintess will support your claim your chances are better. You would need to contact a litigation attorney

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Answered on 7/16/09, 3:26 pm
Linda Subbloie Linda A. Subbloie, Esq.

Re: Loaned 30,000USD money to a friend

You didn't state whether you had a verbal understanding or agreement that the money was a loan and you expected to be paid back in the future. Just because it was not reduced to writing doesn't mean it's not enforceable. So long as he didn't believe (nor did you ) that you were making a gift, you have a contract. That contract is enforceable in a court of law. The emails and the witness merely substantiate that it was a loan and you expected to be paid back.

I believe you could pursue this matter in CT or FL. The more important issue is the fact that Florida has strong homestead laws which make collecting on a judgment more difficult than in CT. You will need to consult an attorney about this.

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Answered on 7/16/09, 9:38 pm

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