Legal Question in Credit and Debt Law in Florida

magazine phone orders

a magazine company called me and talked me into ordering some magazines with the knowledge that i could cancel in 10 days. they gave no other info such as phone number or any way to contact them. i was told a brocure would arrive soon and if not satisfied i could cancel with a full refund of the first debit. when i got the brochure i wrote cancel and sent it back the next day. then the magazines started arriving. when i got the second bill i called the number on the top which i did not have till that time and told them again to cancel. i was told after a few calls that it was past the 10 days. they claim the they never recieved the card now they are talking about turning me over for collections. what can i do if anything?

Asked on 2/01/02, 7:33 am

1 Answer from Attorneys

Anthony Comparetto Comparetto Law Firm

Re: magazine phone orders

You need to send a certified letter that they are violating the fair debt collection act. Then if you have to go to an attorney he can file a suit and recover your attorneys fees.

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Answered on 2/01/02, 8:21 am

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