Legal Question in Credit and Debt Law in Florida

I purchased a time share in Cancun in 2000, It is costing me around $800 to $1000 a year in maintenance fees. I have never used it. Bought under pressure and will probably never use it.

I have not paid the fee for 2009 and it has been turned over to a collection agency. I have a deed and would gladly give it back to get out from under this burden but the issuing company stated they do not take them back and I need to sell it. There is no market for timeshares so that is not possible.

I am single and had a short sale of my home earlier this year just days before the foreclosure auction. I am working with a debt consolidation company on my credit card debt. My credit is already pretty bad. I rent a furnished house and my car that is 10 years old. I am struggling to make ends meet and now have a collection agency after me to collect timeshare maintenance fees. Is there any way out of the timeshare?

Asked on 8/28/10, 1:45 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Angelo Marino Angelo Marino Jr. PA

I have a time share and people are always wanting to buy it. You need to look on the internet for companies that buy timeshares. Also, if you can rent your place as a vacation spot, do it. Cancun is a nice vacation spot and I bet if you work hard enough you will find a buyer or rent the place. Plenty of companies willing to do that.

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Answered on 9/03/10, 6:34 am

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