Legal Question in Credit and Debt Law in Florida
Am I responsible for my deceased spouses medical bills and other bills in the state of Florida?
Asked on 7/10/10, 8:55 am
3 Answers from Attorneys
Angelo Marino
Angelo Marino Jr. PA
Not unless you signed a doucment saying you were responsible. Want to know the law? Sign up for our free newsletter on varies areas of the law by sending an email to and requesting the newsletter, or go to See for your personal injury needs.
Answered on 7/10/10, 2:34 pm
Assuming you did not sign a promissory notes for the bills, then the bills should be paid through the estate. Order by which wills are paid are governed by the Florida Probate Code. Should you have further questions, please feel free to contact me.
Answered on 7/12/10, 2:07 pm