Legal Question in Credit and Debt Law in Florida
Service of process
I am a process server in Florida and recently opened my own process server management company. How do I get an attorney to use my company? What is the most important thing Attorneys want from a process serving management company?
2 Answers from Attorneys
Re: Service of process
Most of your work will come from "street lawyers" (like divorce lawyers, smaller litigation firms, and criminal lawyers) who file lots of lawsuits and send out lots of subpoenas, so you should probably visit them, offer to buy them lunch, and send them letters and postcards.
Speed, not cost (we don't pay the fee, the client does), is most important. Same-day (or next-day) pick up and serve is very important. The ability to look up status of service on the web is also nice.
Re: Service of process
1. Acknowlegment of receipt of papers
2. Status of service