Legal Question in Credit and Debt Law in Florida

services rendered

I preformed a polygraph service for a client. His wife wrote out the questions. He admitted to cheating after failing the test. He paid with his credit card. Afterwards he refused to honor the amount and notified his credit card company. It was not a charge back but he just refused to honor the amount due. What can I do. I have already sent a demand letter.

Asked on 7/09/09, 11:02 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Brent Rose The Orsini & Rose Law Firm

Re: services rendered

A true polygrapher knows that only he and the person being polygraphed can write the questions together. A true polygrapher knows that polygraph questions can only be answered, "yes" or "no." A true polygrapher knows that the lines printed on the machine are irrelevant, that the goal is to get the person to admit the truth.

But you got the job done. Good work. Sue the cheating deadbeat.

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Answered on 7/10/09, 12:09 am

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