Legal Question in Credit and Debt Law in Florida

i am being sued by JPmorgan chase and have 20 days to respond to a summons i received 10/25 but is dated 10/20, my daughter vanessa mckinstry gave me your info and said to contact you.

I made one small payment on this debt over the summer 7/24/2010 and that was the last time I received a official bill from Chase. i have been unemployed for a years as of oct 31 of this year. Prior to this we always paid our bills because we were a two income family.

how do i best response to this summons and complaint which has the same case number but no docket number on the document.

we are currently living on one income and the little amount of extra income that we get come from my small business.

Asked on 10/27/10, 6:32 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Angelo Marino Angelo Marino Jr. PA

Make sure you answer the complaint. See a consumer lawyer. To find a consumer lawyer in your area, go to

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Answered on 11/11/10, 6:34 am

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