Legal Question in Criminal Law in Florida

accused of molestation

My ex-girlfriends daughter (age 5) has accused me of molesting her. First she said I molested her during a bath but later said that it didnt happen. Then she said my son did it and later also admitted that it wasn't true. She then said that myself and both of my sons had sex with her but she was examined by a doctor and he said that there everything was normal and she hadnt ever been penetrated.

Then she told three different stories to three different interviewers at the DCF. She has been proven to be a liar and even admitted lying. The examination by a dcf doctor showed no signs of penetration, everything was normal. This is very upsetting but I'm not sure how worried to be. Her own mother has told DCF that I was never even alone with the girl, which is the truth. Still I am a nervouse wreck , after all of this what are the chances of my being charged. To further complicate matters I was falsely accused about 9 years ago of molestation by a girl who later admitted it was her step father who actually did it and her mother told her to lie and say it was me. Is there acutually a chance I may still be charged and if so how much of a case do they have? This supposedly took place in Florida.

Asked on 3/21/08, 2:54 am

1 Answer from Attorneys

Re: accused of molestation

I would suggest retaining an attorney in the Florida County where the accusations are pending. While it is unlikely that you would ever be convicted, a State Attorney might file charges just to avoid any political backlash.

A local attorney can help convince the State Attorney not to file charges and to abandon the case.

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Answered on 3/21/08, 8:04 am

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