Legal Question in Criminal Law in Florida

admitting to a crime

if an employer suspects me of stealing what kind of evidence do they need to convict me? and if i write a list of what i lifted before i new the police were ever going to be involed, can that list be used against me or am i protected by the 5th amendment. And can cameras be solely used to convict me or does a person have to see me leaving the store with the item. and what if the camera can not prove me from leaving the store with the item am i still going to be convicted?

Asked on 3/27/08, 12:04 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Brent Rose The Orsini & Rose Law Firm

Re: admitting to a crime

Your own written list of evidence, camera tapes, eyewitnesses, any or all of this can be used as evidence to convict you. Since the list was written before the police were involved, it is not protected by the 5th Amendment.

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Answered on 3/29/08, 5:45 pm

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