Legal Question in Criminal Law in Florida

Brady violation

I'm facing conspiracy to traffic cocaine where my codefendant became a state witness. I just found out prior to his court incrimating statement upon accepting his plea was after a prior court date plea where he said open court I had nothing to do with it or knew about. When the judge heard that, the judge blew up and threaten to take his plea back and see him in trial. New court date set and him and state pros. went to a private room to take statement. I jsut found out about this and not from the state. If this is the state's only witness what affect does this have to my trial?

Asked on 8/19/08, 11:00 am

1 Answer from Attorneys

Valerie Masters Valerie Masters, P.A.

Re: Brady violation

I think the state will turn over the statement, your lawyer cn depose the witness and his statements will be used in oyur trial.

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Answered on 8/19/08, 11:19 am

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