Legal Question in Criminal Law in Florida

charged with assault

I moved from Florida in 1993 in 1997 someone put an assault charge on me. I sued them and settled the case. the warrant is still open part of the selttlement of the civil suit was that this person would take no further action on the assault charges they filed.

Am gettign ready to move back to Florida and need to straighten this out. Police knew exactly where I lived all these years never pursued the complaint is the statute of limitations up or can I still be arrrested and held until this is cleared up I weant to clear it up before I move back

Asked on 2/11/08, 3:06 pm

2 Answers from Attorneys

Robert Roemer Robert Roemer

Re: charged with assault

As the warrant is already been issued, so there is no question regarding the statute of limitations expiring. It will not because proceedings were commenced which resulted in the warrant being issued by a Judge.

If you wish to pursue this further, I would suggest you e-mail me your number to set up a telephonic conference to discuss this matter in detail.

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Answered on 2/12/08, 12:43 pm

Re: charged with assault

There is a statute of limitations, however it is tolled if you have lived continously out of state.

Also, a civil agreement does not prevent the State from pursuing charges, it only makes it harder. Please contact me if you are in need of legal representation.

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Answered on 2/11/08, 3:42 pm

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