Legal Question in Criminal Law in Florida

Charges reduced

I pleaded no contest to a charge of grand theft and would like to know how if possible to get the charges reduced to a misdemeanor or if possible expunged. I have completed the probation. Any information would be helpful thanks in advance

Asked on 7/08/09, 12:46 pm

2 Answers from Attorneys

Re: Charges reduced

Once you have plead, there is no procedure my which you can get it reduced to a misdemeanor. Additionally, you are ineligible to expunge the criminal history.

However, you are eligible to seal your criminal history; which is almost identical to an expungement when it concerns a background check by a potential employer.

Please call my office or visit my website for additional information.

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Answered on 7/08/09, 1:17 pm
Hunter Chamberlin Chamberlin Butler & Crowe, P.A.

Re: Charges reduced

Once you take a plea, there are only a very few situations whereby you can withdraw that plea for reduced charges. Most likely, you will not be able to do so. However, you may be able to seal your case, which will likely accomplish much of what you are trying to do. Please feel free to contact me with any additional questions.

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Answered on 7/08/09, 3:34 pm

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