Legal Question in Criminal Law in Florida

Need a cheap or free attorney for a criminal charge of agg. assult when a person came on my property to steal my equipment cut my lock off of my gate drove through my back fence thinking i was not at home, had ramps out to load my stuff i came out saw what was going on pulled my gun and shot out the wheel of the trailer and truck so they could not leave then called police. The person lied to police saying he was there to retreive his property, and sent police over to neighbor saying that they had drugs. He also stated that i put gun to his head which i did not. Everything he told police was lie and cause they found drugs at neighbor they beleived him. I have neighbor and other witiness that will testify to the truth but because his is an informant they side with him and let him go free, and arrested me.

Asked on 1/14/11, 12:27 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Craig Epifanio Craig Epifanio, P.A.

If you can't afford an attorney, then you need to talk to a public defender. It sounds like you have a defense and they will be able to talk to the prosecutor to explain and if necessary go to trial.

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Answered on 1/19/11, 3:08 pm

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