Legal Question in Criminal Law in Florida

Child Molestation

I have recently learned that the man who molested me and 4 others some 20

years ago is involved in ministry at a church in FL. I have approached the Sr.

Pastor about this man and the Pastor spoke to him and he admitted what he did.

The Pastor told me that this man would not be working with any young people in

the church, but one of my best friends is the Youth Pastor and he has told me

that he know of a number of young boys (teenagers) who have spent time with

this man that molested me and others.

I know for me the statue of limitations is up. What can I and the others he

molested so long ago do today to keep him away from other young boys and


Asked on 3/15/06, 3:46 pm

2 Answers from Attorneys

Valerie Masters Valerie Masters, P.A.

Re: Child Molestation

Callthe police.

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Answered on 3/15/06, 3:53 pm
Joseph Jacobs Jacobs & Lowder

Re: Child Molestation

Either call the police down there or have the fla victims contact a lawyer and get immediate action down there. You might also be able to file something here still for yourself, as I have helped others whose statute time has been up. Contact me directly if you like.

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Answered on 3/15/06, 4:01 pm

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