Legal Question in Criminal Law in Florida


I was arrested in July 2006 for stalking, the said victim wrote me for months who also worked for the courts she turned around and told the police she didn't welcome my e-mails etc etc. 2 detectives come to my house threatening to lock me up for 3 weeks if they had to take me downtown for questioning. Then they proceed to tell me all the sites i've been on and i get e-mails inviting me to teenage chatrooms and the tag says .law in this town of pensacola they're arresting people like mad for teenage chatrooms giving them felonies for 5 years otherwise they make up crimes like an ex-co-worker of mine got a felony charge with 18 months probation for driving his girlfriends car, she didn't press charges the state of FL did, my lawyer pretty much says i'm guilty but gets me 2 months probation where i have to go for drug counseling, drug testing even though my crime had nothing to do with drugs but stalking, cyberstalking but FL law calls it stalking. I never saw this women who showed a picture of about 15 years prior, she was 37 but the picture looked about 23. One of the detectives constantly yelled in my face and the other was nice, i guess the classic good cop bad cop. Eventually the charges were dismissed but i'm wondering if

Asked on 5/29/07, 12:53 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Douglas Sughrue Attorneys Crosby & Sughrue

Re: cyberstalking

Please provide more information or call me at your convenience to discuss more fully. I am not sure what you are questioning.

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Answered on 5/29/07, 5:08 pm

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