Legal Question in Criminal Law in Florida

Dropping the charges.

Hello i got in trouble for grand larceny and i am currently in court and the last time i went i pleaded guilty i go for sentencing in a month and i was wondering if it is too late for the store pressing charges with on to go to court and say they don't want to press charges? i want to make the plaintiff a deal and settle out of court if they agree and i was wondering if they can still drop the charges or is it too late? i live in Florida i don't know if that changes anything. well PLEASE tell me if you're sure you know. i cant ask my lawyer because i don't really have one, i have a public defender well thanks hope to hear from you soon. feel free to email me if you want to i would really appreciate it my email ADRS is

Asked on 1/15/04, 11:53 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Dan Akes C. Daniel Akes, Attorney at Law

Re: Dropping the charges.

It's too late when the store reports the crime. After that, it's up to the state attorney to decide whether to pursue the case. However, the state usually pays a great deal of attention to what the victim wants. In your case, however, it's highly unlikely that the victim's wish not to prosecute would cause the state to want to drop the case. It's actually now out of the state attorney's hands and in the judge's. The judge would have to allow you to withdraw the plea. Practically speaking, your chances are as close to none as you can get(barring a showing that you are actually not guilty). I wouldn't go offering the victim any deal. You might find yourself in more trouble.

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Answered on 1/16/04, 4:29 pm

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