Legal Question in Criminal Law in Florida

Is drug trafficking considered a felony or a state charge// will the time be done in a federal prison or state facility/

Asked on 8/24/09, 2:17 pm

3 Answers from Attorneys

It is BOTH a state charge and a federal charge. Either or both the State and Federal government can prosecute your separately for the offense.

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Answered on 8/24/09, 2:21 pm
Joseph Vredevelt Best Vredevelt & Associates

Well it depends, if caught bringing drugs into a state, then the federal law may be violated and the FBI would make an arrest and the case would be handled in federal court. If the state police made the arrest, and the amount of drugs was over a certain amount, the case would be tried in the state court system. I would need to know more of the facts to give you an approximate answer. Please call my office at 305.284.8000 and we can talk free of charge. All My Best, Joe Vredevelt, Esq. The Cochran Firm

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Answered on 8/24/09, 2:23 pm
Don Waggoner Don Waggoner Law, P.A.

Mr. Hornsby is correct. Both the state and the feds could try it, or one could give jurisdiction up to the other. It's up to them.

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Answered on 8/24/09, 3:40 pm

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