Legal Question in Criminal Law in Florida

Early termination of probation

Hi I have been on probation for over 5 years and still have 2 to go. My probation officer is not allowed to help get me off of probation early, so I wrote a letter to the judge and ask that I be terminated early and it was denied. I have done everything that I had to and am just going every month to check in. Why would I be denied and is there anything that I can do. Can I ask for a hearing? Please help1 I can't get a decent job because the PO has to call and inform my employer that I am on probation and why.

Asked on 8/10/05, 2:35 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Valerie Masters Valerie Masters, P.A.

Re: Early termination of probation

If your probation officer does not want to approve early termination and has a good reason the judge and the state attorney will not approve it anyway. To early term you must have completed ALL the conditions of your probation including paying all monies, community service, classes etc. Without knowing more baout your case its hard to know why the po objects. feel free to call my office or contact me through my website at www. I handle early terminations all the time. 561-659-9410

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Answered on 8/10/05, 2:47 pm

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