Legal Question in Criminal Law in Florida


I previously had an expungement for carrying a concealed fire arm. I completed the PTI program as suggested by the Judge and had my records expunges.

Now its a couple of years later and I was arrested for trying to protect my family from a shooter. The state never filed charges against me and now I have a case with a No Information Filed on it. I tried to have it expunged but I got a letter back from Tallahase stating that I had an expungement in the past and they wouldn't give me a certification. It stated that if I wanted it removed from my record then I would have to appeal this in my local circuit court. Can you give any advice as to why they didn't send my certification and what steps should I do to proceed to have this removed from my record.


Asked on 6/03/05, 10:39 am

1 Answer from Attorneys

Valerie Masters Valerie Masters, P.A.

Re: Expungements

You get one bite at the expungement apple in a lifetime in Florida. You used your one bite. Basically your record now shows an arrest where no case was filed. If it is important to you to remove that you need to hire a lawyer in that jurisdaiction and go before the Circuit Court. I don't think you would be given a second expungment.

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Answered on 6/03/05, 12:05 pm

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